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Article I. Name:


The formal name of this organization is the Filipino American Student Association (herein referred to as FASA).


Article II. Purpose:


The purpose of the Filipino American Student Association shall be to bring together the Filipino/Filipino-American community at the University of Connecticut and/or those interested in the Filipino culture and to make the university as well as other institutions aware of the Filipino culture. We will promote unity and cooperation for anyone interested in Filipino culture through educational, cultural, and social events. FASA is an inclusive, non-discriminatory organization that allows members from all races, genders, sexualities, religions, and other walks of life.


Article III. Membership Composition:


All those interested university students, faculty members, and staff are eligible for membership. The membership fee shall be $6 per semester or $10 for the year.


Article IV. Officer Positions and Responsibilities:


  1. Chief Organization Officer (President): The Co-President(s) is/are responsible for  presiding at meetings, creating agendas, overseeing events and other functions, and representing the organization at public functions.

  2. Vice President: The Vice President assists the president during meetings and events, and acts in the president’s absence. The Vice President assumes all duties and responsibilities of the President if the President is unable to assume the Presidential duties. The Vice President is largely in charge of promoting transparency between both the general members of FASA and as well as within the Board itself. He/She promotes transparency by maintaining communication between E-Board, the general members of FASA, and the advisor

  3. Chief Financial Officer (Treasurer): The Treasurer(s) is/are responsible for collecting membership dues, disbursing funds, coordinating fundraisers, keeping accurate records of all financial matters, and attend any necessary meetings concerning funding.

  4. Secretary: The Secretary records minutes of each meeting, takes attendance at each meeting, updates the contact information for each member, books rooms, and sends emails using the FASA email account.

  5. Public Relations/Historian: The Public Relations Chair/Historian is responsible for creative projects including documenting major events, creating promotional flyers for FASA events, and handling social media accounts.

  6. Pan Asian Council Representative: The PAC Representative attends all PAC meetings and serves as a liaison for FASA. The PAC Representative is also responsible for relaying all information discussed at the weekly PAC meetings to the FASA Executive Board as well as the general body. The PAC Representative, as part of the Pan Asian Council, participates fully in all PAC-sponsored events. As of Spring semester 2017, the PAC Representative participates in the PAC Stars competition. The PAC Rep advertises all future Asian American Cultural Center events to our general members to create more opportunities to support the the Asian/Asian American community on campus.

  7. Cultural Chair: The Cultural Chair is an organized individual who is the main contact for cultural events (Asian Nite, Barrio, etc.) The cultural chair oversees the cultural committee that he/she selects and keep the rest of the executive board updated on all happenings within the committee itself.


Article V. Elections/Qualifications:


  1. All officers must be students of the University of Connecticut and must be in good academic standing in accordance with university standards. If an officer is put on academic probation, he/she must contact the other executive board members, and the board, along with the advisor, will decide the best way to deal with the situation.

  2. Elections will be held at the end of each academic year and each term will be for one academic year. Officers can be reelected as long as qualifications are met.

  3. Any member of FASA can nominate any member (including him/herself) for any position, and the motion must be seconded.

  4. The nominee can accept/deny the nomination.

  5. If for any reason, an office is vacated, there will be a notification of an election to fill that office. In an event the office of President is vacated, the members will vote to have the position filled by the Vice President and elect and a new Vice President.

  6. In case of a tie vote for one position, a revote will be held and the winner of the revote shall obtain the position being contested. The winner of the revote would be the candidate who receives the majority of the votes.

  7. In order for an election and/or an amendment to occur, two-thirds of the members must be present at the meeting. If a member is unable to attend, a proxy vote may be handed in.

  8. For the position of PAC Rep and Cultural Chair, potential candidates will let a member of the executive board know they are planning to apply. Applicants will then go through with an interview process with presidents and vice president and will be informed of the decision within the following weeks.


Article VI. Removal of Officers:


Should an officer fail to fulfill his/her responsibilities, he/she will be notified in writing about his/her removal. A special meeting will be held and the evidence will be brought forth. The officer will have a chance to offer a rebuttal. The members will vote for/against the officer/s removal. Two-thirds of the members must be present for the vote. In the event the office of President is vacated, the members may vote to have the position filled by the Vice President and elect a new Vice President.


Article VII. Meetings


  1. Meetings will be held on a weekly basis or when deemed necessary at a time and place decided by the executive board.

  2. Meetings are called by the President or Vice President.

  3. Attendance will be taken at each meeting by the secretary.

  4. Special meetings will be called if necessary by the President or Vice President.

  5. Modified parliamentary procedure shall be followed at all times except where there is a more expedient procedure and there are no objections. In case of objection, “Robert’s Rules of Order” shall be followed.


Article VIII. Decision Making


  1. Decisions regarding general meetings, events, and other activities will go in effect after approval by two-thirds of executive board members.

  2. A majority vote by members on choices set forth by the executive board will decide apparel, meeting activities, and social events each semester.

  3. A survey created by the President will be sent to members at the end of each semester, or as often as necessary, to evaluate events, activities, and the executive board. Surveys will collect suggestions for events and activities for subsequent semesters.


Article IX. Finances


  1. Dues will be collected from all members. At sponsored events where there is an admission fee, a nonmember fee will be charged to non-dues paying members.

  2. Expenditures must be authorized by a majority of the officers. In the event of a discrepancy, the President or Vice President will have the final decision.

  3. Other funds may be acquired through various fundraisers, donations, or through applications to USG for funding.


Article X. Amendments to the Constitution


  1. Any member may propose an amendment to the constitution verbally as well as in a speech during a meeting.

  2. Amendments will be voted on at the meeting following the proposal.

  3. A two-thirds majority present is required for passage of amendments.

  4. This Constitution will go in effect after approval by two-thirds of members.


Article XI. Beneficiary Addendum


In the event that this organization’s account remains inactive for 12 consecutive months, the following beneficiary will receive the balance of the organization’s funds:

  1. Beneficiary Name: Asian American Cultural Center
  2. Beneficiary Address: 2110 Hillside Road U-3186 Storrs, CT, 06269

  3. Beneficiary Contact: Angela Rola

  4. Beneficiary Phone: (860) 486-0830


Article XII. Enabling Clause


This Constitution shall go into effect on March 30th, 2017 upon approval of two-thirds vote in favor by all present voting members. This Constitution shall replace and render null any and all previous constitutions, procedures, practices, and precedents for this organization.


Article XIII. Advisor


  1. The advisor should be present at the meetings if deemed necessary.

  2. The advisor will be selected according to his/her willingness to fill the role and approval by a majority of the members present.

  3. The advisor should be present at officer elections but will not have voting rights.

  4. His/her term will continue as long as he/she is willing to meet the needs of the association. This will be determined by the board members.


Article XIV. Signature Line/Block

The signatures below indicate that we, as executive officers, approve this document.


This is the official constitution of the Filipino American Student Association as of June 20th, 2017

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